How to Increase Page Rank with SEO?

Digital marketing has now become the most effective way to promote your business and monetize your services. This is the reason most of the businesses of this generation have digital platforms and they continuously try to keep it updated and above the competitors in Google rank list. For this, the business owners entirely depend on search engine optimization.
Google, Bing one of the most used search engines across the entire globe releases new updates in its SEO algorithms every year to provide useful and relevant information for its users. To make your SEO methodologies highly effective here we are showcasing some tips that can boost up the online presence of your digital platform.
Increase Your Page Rank with SEO in 2020
Content is the kind of Digital Marketing and there is no substitute available for fine quality content on your website. The quality of your content entirely depends upon your target audience as it is intended to improve your site’s relevance as well as authority. Your content must be information-rich and have keywords target at the right places such as headings, introduction, and in conclusion too. Apart from this, you need to keep updating your content with the latest news or happening to improve its quality and relevance.
1. Publish Relevant Content and Update Regularly
Content is the kind of Digital Marketing and there is no substitute available for fine quality content on your website. The quality of your content entirely depends upon your target audience as it is intended to improve your site’s relevance as well as authority. Your content must be information-rich and have keywords target at the right places such as headings, introduction, and in conclusion too. Apart from this, you need to keep updating your content with the latest news or happening to improve its quality and relevance.
2. Use Metadata and Alt Tags
While designing your website, every page contains a space between the tags for inserting metadata or any information related to the content of that page. Hence you need to pay little attention while inserting every type of metadata like Title Metadata, Description Metadata, and Keyword Metadata. Moreover, using Alt tags to describe your video or visual media can boost the visibility of your page as these tags allow search engines to locate your webpage.
3. Make Link Worthy Website
You need to play wisely while adding any link in the piece of your content. You can try writing the name or something relatable with the destination instead of using ‘Click Here’. Using ‘Click Here’ will not add any search engine value beyond the URL. Adding keywords and linking them with relevant informative pages will not only improve your search engine ranking but also the ranking of your linked webpage. Furthermore, the use of descriptive links having keywords and removing broken links will improve your SEO and will add value to your readers as well.
4. Enhance Page Loading Speed
Leading search engines like Google and Bing consider page loading speed as an important part of their website ranking algorithm. Users in the current era do not want to wait even a few extra seconds and will leave your website if it is taking a bit of time to load properly. It will increase the bounce rate and decrease the number of page views, which collaboratively will affect your SEO ranking. You can improve your page loading speed in many ways such as by ensuring that the code is streamlined and clean, using a caching plug-in, reducing the number of plugins, minimizing redirects, and optimizing image sizes.
5. Optimize Images
Image optimization plays an important role in improving your page ranking. Apart from image file formatting and resizing, there are additional measures to optimize your image on the SEO front. You can simply show the relevance of your content to the search engines by using appropriate keywords for your image alt tag, file name, title, caption, and description.
6. Improve Layout and Formatting
The layout and formatting of your website can affect the authenticity of your digital platform. A user-friendly design layout and proper formatting of your content can improve the user experience and can make your content easily digestible. Users will stay more on a website having a nice layout and appropriate formatting, which will also enhance the website’s stability in the google rank list.
7. Simplify Site Architecture
Simplifying your website architecture and navigation can help you a lot in improving your SEO. Users will leave your website if they can not find what they need and that will result in an increased bounce rate. A simplified architecture makes it easier to find anything and results in retaining users. It will undeniably improve your SEO ranking and enhance your conversion rates.
Click here to know the most common website navigation mistakes
Mobile Optimization
Looking at the increasing numbers of smartphones and tablets, Google now uses mobile-first indexing. Hence you must pay high attention to the mobile optimization of your digital platform to get high ranking in the search result list at Google. A great part of executives uses their smartphones to search for any product or service for their enterprise. Hence, the mobile optimization of your website can undeniably improve your SEO as well as your page ranking in the search result list.
Click here to know the advantages of the mobile first-design approach
The Bottom Line
The virtual world has undeniably taken over the real world and you need to pay more attention to it if you want to grow your business. Increasing the page rank in SEO can boost up your website and will also improve your conversion rates. We have showcased some major tips and tricks that can help in improving your SEO. However, you must also stay updated with the guidelines released by Google to stay updated with the latest trends in SEO.

Thirumalesh Prasad C G (Thiru) is an entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of Inboundsys. He has over 22 years of experience working for various multinational IT products and services companies in India and abroad. He was a significant member and worked as a user interface architect, designing the user interface for many web applications and products. In addition to running Inboundsys, he is an advisory board member in various other design studios and digital marketing agencies. He is a passionate blogger who loves writing on digital marketing, inbound marketing, lifestyle, philosophy, positive thinking, and motivation.