Does Website Design Affect SEO?

Search engine optimization is the process by which website contents are optimized to have better visibility and higher rankings in the various search engine results pages. There are two types of SEO, and they are organic and paid. Organic SEO can be categorized as on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO has everything to do with the look and appearance of the website, the website contents, how well the contents are written, and so on.
Therefore, if a website is designed well, then it can have better visibility in the various search engine results pages. Website designing is important from the SEO perspective. Web design does positively affect SEO. Great web designs simplify navigation on the part of the users as well as the search engines. Keywords play an essential role in SEO, too. This article will help you to comprehend how web design affects SEO. Let us have a look at the following aspects of website designing:
Purpose of Web Design
SEO starts with web designing. If a business pays attention to the web designing aspect, it can expect to remain competitive in the long run. Better web designing helps a website to have enhanced ranking in the search engine results pages. Keywords are essential in Search engine optimization. The use of keywords in SEO reflects the products or services that a business offers to the customers. Keywords also define a brand. While using keywords, it is essential to use them appropriately so that a website can be well-optimized.
Before using keywords in SEO, it is crucial on the part of the search engine optimizer to engage in keyword research. It is also essential on the part of the search engine optimizer to evaluate the keywords before using them. While implementing website design, search engine optimizers require ensuring that such implementation is done on a long-term basis. Online visibility of a website, branding is vital as it helps in creating a lasting impression. While doing web-designing, care must be taken not just to make the site appealing but also to enhance its online visibility in SERPs.
Website Design Factors Affecting SEO
Navigation is essential for any website. Whenever users visit your site, then they first take a look at the website's designs. If your website has an outdated design, then it will be overlooked. Spending time and other resources to craft the appearance and feel of a website is essential. Your website should be designed in a manner so that it is convenient to use. Visitors should be able to search out the things they are looking for. If your website has intuitive navigation, then you can expect to attract more audiences online. If visitors learn the new stuff they find the things they require, then there are chances that the visitors return to such sites. Understand that lack of proper web design and development can harm the website's search engine ranking because then the website is not SEO friendly.
Website Page Speed
The Page speed of the website is a big deal because it is one of the critical factors of Google to work out the website’s rankings on search engine results. Google employs various elements to work out the website rankings. It's essential as your website visitors will be happy with the fastest loading speed of your website. According to the research, an average website loading speed is 4.7 seconds on desktop and 11.4 seconds on mobile. Google suggests having a speed index under 3 seconds.
Sometimes, your website speed becomes very slow because of large images, flash plugins, and other needless ruin. This way, you would possibly be losing an in-depth amount of traffic as users might not revisit your website.
The web design should be such that it features consistency. If a website is consistent, then it makes your brand easily searchable. Uniform websites are also known to create familiarity as well as boost credibility. The website content should be placed strategically so that it is more appealing to web audiences. While designing a website, it is essential to avoid filling web pages with objectionable content. Keep the website clutter-free by leaving adequate white spaces. A website that is updated, and modern attracts more visitors. Such sites do rank well in the SERPs. An SEO expert helps the website designer to design an SEO-friendly website.
Website Content
SEO content should be written appropriately. They should not have overuse of keywords. Avoid copying duplicate content or plagiarism of other forms. Keep your website content unique and attractive. The various search engines value unique content. Sites having exclusive content have enhanced SEO rankings than the others. In this context, it is relevant to add that Google penalizes websites with non-unique or plagiarised content. A quality website has materials that focus on the niche of business. In website designing, high-quality SEO content plays an important role.
To find duplicate content, you can use ahref’s site audit tool- which will give you details of duplicate content on your site.
Website Images
Yet another vital aspect of good website designing is the use of adequate images. Optimize your images and use file compression techniques so that they load faster when users browse them. While designing a website, it is also important to use pictures relevant to the site contents. The images need to be paired with titles, captions, and other relevant information.
Social Media Integration
This is the age of social media. More and more people have social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. Therefore, website designing needs to be such that it integrates the client's social media accounts. Search engines adequately value the client's social media presence. A website having links to social media networks has better visibility in the various SERPs. Therefore, sign-up with leading social media networks, furnish shareable links on the pages of your website.
If a website has a complex structure, it will enhance the bounce rates. Hence, your website must be simple and easy-to-use for every user. If a website has an intuitive site structure, if it has accessible navigation facilities, proper use of images boosts SEO. For any web marketing campaign, quality website designing is significant. It is also vital to develop a responsive website.
The website designing adequately affects SEO rankings. It determines whether you have a strong web presence or not. Understand that web-design affects how the search engines view your website. Website designing also affects how users respond to your site.

Thirumalesh Prasad C G (Thiru) is an entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of Inboundsys. He has over 22 years of experience working for various multinational IT products and services companies in India and abroad. He was a significant member and worked as a user interface architect, designing the user interface for many web applications and products. In addition to running Inboundsys, he is an advisory board member in various other design studios and digital marketing agencies. He is a passionate blogger who loves writing on digital marketing, inbound marketing, lifestyle, philosophy, positive thinking, and motivation.