Inbound Marketing Methodology

Have you been thinking about doing somthing with your website to make it more, well more something! Maybe you can't quite put your finger on it. Far too often these days I come across companies who think it's time to do something about their website they just don't quite know what that something is. Typically, they start looking to website design firms for the answer and they get all kinds of ideas on how to make their website more exciting and cool. Don't get me wrong, having a website that is exciting and cool has some merit but don't let that be the guiding principle because if you do you will end up with a very cool e-brochure for your company and what did you do with the last brochure you received? the garbage maybe? Let's be clear here. If you are going to undertake some sort of corporate initiative with respect to your website and internet presence you should be thinking about how your efforts are going to attract more visitor traffic, convert that traffic into leads and nurture those leads into new clients because that is how your website will generate more business for you and become a great company asset with outstanding ROI.
That's what inbound marketing is all about. For those of you unfamiliar with the term inbound marketing, it is a proven methodology, a process, that when well executed in a comprehensive manner will transform your website into perhaps one of the best lead generation websites and certainly one of your company's most valued and cost effective business development tools. Here's how I like to describe inbound marketing...
Inbound marketing is a methodology that integrates or marries content creation and development, social media, landing pages and lead nurturing with SEO(search engine optimization) and analytics in a way that allows users to consistently repeat actions that result in increased and more targeted visitor traffic that converts to leads that can be nurtured into new business.
Now can you put your finger on what you want from your website changes? How about more traffic and leads? More business! If I've helped you crystallize your thoughts a little bit, great, read on because now we'll look these seven secrets of inbound marketing in just a little more detail. Oh, you didn't notice? In that description are the seven secrets...
1. Content creation and development
On the internet content is King. By creating relevant and interesting content that provides your target audience with answers to the questions they have regarding the problems they're searching solutions for, you will attract a very targeted market to your website.
2. Social media
This vehicle provides your message with a volume control and a turner all in one. You can use social media to both amplify your message, broadcasting it to a wider audience, as well as tune into the discussions and conversations about your brand, your industry. Social media allows you to become "part of" as opposed to "separate from" these conversations and discussions.
3. Landing Pages
These specially constructed web pages are a very powerful way for your visitors to become leads for your company. By creating interesting and compelling offers that are relevant to the needs of your market, landing pages will fill the top of your sales and marketing funnel with new leads ready for the next step...
4. Lead Nurturing
How well do you understand your prospects buying cycle? Lead nurturing is all about supporting your leads information gathering process in an automated manner that mirrors a real world investigation process so that when they are ready to buy your well positioned to be the vendor of choice.
5. SEO
Do you know how your prospect audience is looking for your solution? If you do, you're in a minority, Often companies are too close to the trees to see the forest and an objective perspective can offer great value to your organization. Once you know the 'how' you're well on the way, you can now create the content that responds and is optimized with SEO best practices and will be found by your target market.
6. Analytics
Ahhhhh analytics...DATA! The great part of working online is that everything can be measured so that you know precisely what works and what doesn't...imagine that! No longer does the phrase "I know that only half my advertising is working, I just don't know which half." Have meaning, at least with respect to inbound marketing.
7. Repetition
Once you know the formula that works you repeat with some modifications. We all hear through the filters that have become part of our individual human nature and so repeating our successful messaging or actions with slight variations will allow you to reach your target in a way that they can understand and digest.
Now you have a starting point of information. My intention with this article wasn't to overwhelm you with too much information, but instead, to introduce you to inbound marketing as a framework for you and your company as you consider making changes as to how your target audience or market will interact with you online. That's what it's really all about and what inbound marketing will deliver for you. A few words of caution:
1. Each of the seven elements work together, there is a synergism that results in the whole being far greater than the sum of the parts. Don't be tempted to implement some sort of short term process that is sold to you by a one dimensional service firm such as an SEO or Social Media agency, generally the campaigns don't sustain themselves and the value you may receive is questionable. The long term benefits associated with the accruing value attached to each of the secret inbound marketing elements will provide your company with sustainable results that will strengthen your market position over time.
2. Inbound marketing is a series of simple easy actions but it does require effort, there is work involved, make no mistake about it, anyone offering a magic bullet...well you probably know about magic bullets.
3. As I said earlier, it's a process, a methodology so it takes time, inbound marketing is not an event, if you think otherwise you're only fooling yourself.
So, are you ready for inbound marketing, for positive change? Start your investigations and get your questions answered and then...get busy!

Thirumalesh Prasad C G (Thiru) is an entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of Inboundsys. He has over 22 years of experience working for various multinational IT products and services companies in India and abroad. He was a significant member and worked as a user interface architect, designing the user interface for many web applications and products. In addition to running Inboundsys, he is an advisory board member in various other design studios and digital marketing agencies. He is a passionate blogger who loves writing on digital marketing, inbound marketing, lifestyle, philosophy, positive thinking, and motivation.