Web design challenges in modern business

A lot of skilled web designers most times rely on their strength, and the efficiency of their work to achieve success.
Nevertheless, a good number of them are quick to discover that certain challenges are faced with web design in modern business. And you have to know about those problems before you can know how to go about them. Do you care to know those challenges? If yes, it is good that you are here. In this article, we will be talking about the web design challenges in modern business. All you have to do is sit back, and read on.
Web design challenges in modern business
Web designers are mostly like professional problem solvers. Each day, we encounter various challenges in web design, which we are expected to find solutions for. It does not matter if we proffer big solutions or just easy and quick solutions to the problems. All that matters is finding a way to go about them.
Below are some of the challenges:
Internet Explorer
One of the biggest challenges web design is facing is the internet explorer. Web designers at length test all websites against all major browsers before launching the site. And the list of the major browsers include:
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Safari
- Opera
- Android browser
- iOS Safari
Though the website may work perfectly on other browsers, Internet Explorer comes up with new quirks that you have to cater for. For instance, how round corners are created may not be supported by Internet Explorer. Therefore, the web designer has to look for a way to go about that.
User Experience
In some cases, we refer to user experience as the user journey. In web design, you always have to keep the users in mind, as they are the one to benefit from the web content. This simply means that you have to design the web to be user-friendly, and very easy to use. However, in some instances, compromises are found between the features and the usability. Therefore, you need to develop a new way of solving this problem and cater for both the features and usability.
Click here to know 5 factors that impact user experience
The performance of the website is also to be considered along with its usability. Each step to be taken in web design always tends to have impacts on how well the finished site will perform. For instance, if you make use of big images when you want to test the website, it will later come back to affect your finished site. If you do not efficiently and correctly manage your tools- images, JavaScript, and CSS form the inception of your web design, it will be more difficult for you to optimize the tools as you proceed. We most times want to design a website very quickly, and we want it to look all good, amazing, and works well for the users. But we need to proffer solutions to the problems.
Click here to know 5 golden rules of responsive web design
Latest web standards
Web design is constantly evolving with time, and that is awesome. Nonetheless, it means that web designers need to always up their game, and improve their skills, to meet up with the latest web standards. And in some instances, you are expected to be ahead of the old trend, and be conversant with the new trend coming. This can also pose a challenge to web design in modern business as it is sometimes difficult to adopt new styles in designing a website.
Click here to know Web design trends for 2018
Identifying when to utilise the web standards
You can’t just get to know about the latest web standards; you also need to be able to identify the instances where you need to make use of them. And this can sometimes seem like a herculean task. For example, a modern way of positioning blocks on a web page has been devised. And this method seems nice. But you have to be patient for all the browsers to become compatible with this style before you can implement them on your websites. Else, web users on older browsers like Internet Explorer will not be able to reach the site as their browser is old, and has not been upgraded to work with the new technology.
Web design is great. But there are some web design challenges in modern business. We have discussed some of the challenges in this article. We do hope that you find it helpful. Good Luck!

Thirumalesh Prasad C G (Thiru) is an entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of Inboundsys. He has over 22 years of experience working for various multinational IT products and services companies in India and abroad. He was a significant member and worked as a user interface architect, designing the user interface for many web applications and products. In addition to running Inboundsys, he is an advisory board member in various other design studios and digital marketing agencies. He is a passionate blogger who loves writing on digital marketing, inbound marketing, lifestyle, philosophy, positive thinking, and motivation.