5 A/B test to help improve your inbound marketing lead generation

The moment there are some data involved in most of the different parts that make up marketing, and then it has become a science. Right now, you can get real-time data at your fingertips on every of your marketing aspects which include your conversion rates, content, email, rankings, site visitors, as well as page performance. You will have the exact data that you need in their precise figures.
This has transformed marketing into a science that you can now improve your strategies by carrying out analysis and testing the various components in a precise way. One of the most important tests that you can perform to improve your marketing is the A/B test in all the relevant areas.
You might be wondering what A/B testing means. It is defined according to optimized as a way through which the better of two webpages with the same content but different versions is identified. The two web pages are compared, and the one that performs better is chosen. Two or more different versions of the pages are presented to the users at random, and then statistical analysis is used to analyze the result so as to determine the page with the better ranking.
Let us take a look at some of the A/B tests that will help you to improve your inbound marketing lead generation.
Check on landing page
There is no much need to explain why this particular page is coming first. Of course, the landing page is the first page that your visitor visits on your website. It is the first impression that your viewers get about your site and if you can get a good feeling, then that can signify the beginning of a long-term relationship with a loyal customer. Little changes to your landing page might lead to a significant response from your users.
One of the tests that you should perform on this page is the shortening of forms. By just adjusting the size of the shape and shortening it, there is a chance that there will be a higher conversion rate on your site. Also, tweaking with the headline is another great way to keep your landed customers glued to your website. You can also try out different pictures on your landing page, since most people might not even read the content of your landing page but just flip through the images. Using your custom image that describes your services will be better off than making use of some stock images.
Click here to know about Marketing qualified leads: Why is it important?
Homepage testing
Your home page is another important part of your website that must be tested to confirm its viability. A lot of marketers think that they have a great messaging on their site already, however, it is necessary to try out other messages. If you are not converting the visitors of this page into leads, or you have a high bounce rate that is more than 60 percent, or people are not interested in other links on this page, then you certainly have an issue with your messaging. There are only 10 seconds for you to convince your prospects. You need to get them emotionally connected so as to get them to perform an action.
Testing different messages and also taking a look at the key metrics is one of the best ways to check which stories are appealing to your target prospects and the stories that they ignore.
Another point is the flow of your home page. How much of your page do your visitors get to see before leaving the page? There is a possibility that most visitors do not get to the bottom of the page before leaving the page. This will need to be tested and adjusted as there is usually useful information on every part of your home page.
Testing of email subject line
In any inbound campaign, there is no doubt that email marketing plays a vital role. However, for the email marketing to play its part effectively, then it has to be very efficient. The first thing that you need to ensure in your email marketing is getting the email opened, and the thing that provides that is a compelling subject line. Your A/B testing will help you to know the kind of issues that are compelling to your clients.
There are several ways to adjust your email heading, and you have to test them out carefully. Put the same content in every email and make use of different headlines and send them out. The one that gets you the best open rate essentially is better than others.
Testing for call-to-action
Calls to Actions are the main active ingredients of any inbound marketing. There are several ways to present your Call to the measures ranging from regular buttons with text to graphic buttons with images and other cool things. Run your A/B test on the different CTA buttons that you can present.
In the testing of your Call to action, you are testing the number of clicks that you get and not the conversion that they give you. The major function of your CTA is just to get people to your landing page which finally does the conversion for you. The A/B test for your CTA should also be carried out on the location of your CTA to determine which position is most active.
Testing for site navigation
You will usually get different perspectives on the perfect site navigation from various individuals. Carrying out the A/B test for your site navigation will help to determine the precise navigation for your site. Try out different waterways and point out the one that outperforms the others. Even if this is different from what you want, you should never argue with the data.
Bottom line
You do not need to carry out tons of test for your site to generate marketing leads. Knowing the exact things to focus your testing on is the way. Focusing on the above-listed areas will help you to make more out of your site.

Thirumalesh Prasad C G (Thiru) is an entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of Inboundsys. He has over 22 years of experience working for various multinational IT products and services companies in India and abroad. He was a significant member and worked as a user interface architect, designing the user interface for many web applications and products. In addition to running Inboundsys, he is an advisory board member in various other design studios and digital marketing agencies. He is a passionate blogger who loves writing on digital marketing, inbound marketing, lifestyle, philosophy, positive thinking, and motivation.