Myths and facts about Inbound Marketing

In business, there are a lot of things that are misunderstood and taken for granted. To an onlooker, it may seem pretty easy, but the professionals know what they go through to get things done. Inbound marketing is a generally misunderstood aspect of a business. Due to these misunderstandings, a few myths have been developed over time. These myths are often spread along from persons to persons without proper evaluation of its background.
Below are some of the myths about inbound marketing
Inbound marketing is another term for SEO.
Like most things, some marketing terminologies are often changed from time to time. These changes result in the misunderstanding of some terminologies. Some people believe that inbound marketing is another name for SEO. However, SEO is a component of inbound marketing.
Click here to know 8 innovative ways to improve your SEO Rankings.
Search Engine Optimization is an essential part of inbound marketing which, involves bringing the right audience to your business website through keywords. Inbound marketing, however, is the comprehensive strategy used to generate traffic turning them into potential customers into actual customers.
Inbound marketing is innovative but will soon go away.
In business and marketing, trends are often ignored and dismissed. Inbound marketing, however, is similar to a type of marketing strategy that has been used for decades. Those days, to close a deal you need to provide utility and value to potential customers, be visible and earn their trust. Inbound marketing also works that way but with a more expandable, efficient and modern method.
Contrary to the assumption of going away with time, it has been adopted by the majority of marketers, and over 60% of companies are practising inbound marketing strategy.
If you do inbound marketing, you don't need to do anything else.
Some people have misunderstood inbound marketing. They think that you don’t need to do anything else once you practice inbound marketing. Although inbound marketing is one of the most effective methods of increasing the growth of a business, it works better when supplemented with other effecting methods.
One person can handle inbound marketing.
Most business owners get pumped up at the idea of practising inbound marketing and the endless possibility of growing their business with it. Asides their excitement, they have unrealistic expectations about the execution of the inbound marketing. They end up hiring just one person to manage the program.
In truth, it is impossible for just one person to handle inbound marketing. It is a variety of tools in one platform. Tools like SEO, data analysis, project management, business thinking, design, strategy, development and many more. To accurately and efficiently manage the inbound marketing strategy, you require a team either in-house or from an inbound agency with the right skills.
Click here to know what are the 10 things to look out for while hiring an inbound marketing agency.
I don’t need to spend a lot on software when practising inbound marketing.
Although you can practice inbound marketing strategy without buying expensive software, there would be a lot of struggle to gain headway in the process. Especially for first time users, t can be scary to commit to $1,000 every month for software like Hubspot, but when you start making sales and seeing results at fast rates, that will seem like nothing compared to the amount you earn from using the software per month.
Click here to know the Difference bеtwееn digital marketing and inbound marketing.
Inbound marketing means unlimited customers without coaxing.
Because marketers have such high expectation about inbound marketing, they sometimes have unrealistic expectations. They believe that once they practice inbound marketing, they do not need to persuade customers to close a deal.
Click here to know the difference between Inbound Marketing and Traditional Marketing.
In reality, even a well-executed inbound marketing practice still requires business marketers to do some persuasion to convince sceptical customers.
Inbound marketing works for every kind of business.
Well, it might come as a shock that inbound marketing is not recommended for every type of business. Inbound marketing strategy is not suitable for companies whose product are transactional. It works well for business and products that need careful consideration before making a purchase decision. Such enterprises include software companies and healthcare services and many more. These businesses can get a Return of Interest just within a few sales.
Click here to know whether your business needs Inbound Marketing.
It is essential for businesses to know the right solution for marketing in their organisations. You should explore other strategies and work with other programs if inbound marketing does not work for you.
Inbound marketing is also known as content marketing.
Just like the misconception that inbound marketing and SEO are the same, inbound marketing is not the same as content marketing. Instead, content marketing is a subset and a significant component of inbound marketing. Content marketing means providing informative contents to your audience, which can result in search and social media visibility.
It focuses and is committed mainly to your audience. It also focuses on the business that matters. It operates a business with transparency. It conducts business with sincerity and continence. The concept becomes natural and relatable when you have the same mindset.

Thirumalesh Prasad C G (Thiru) is an entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of Inboundsys. He has over 22 years of experience working for various multinational IT products and services companies in India and abroad. He was a significant member and worked as a user interface architect, designing the user interface for many web applications and products. In addition to running Inboundsys, he is an advisory board member in various other design studios and digital marketing agencies. He is a passionate blogger who loves writing on digital marketing, inbound marketing, lifestyle, philosophy, positive thinking, and motivation.