Why HubSpot Excels for Web Development Work

The competitive nature of the market can frustrate medium-sized companies and site owners to an awkward spot where they feel depressed about the state of their websites. This is one of the reasons why you will need a significant marketing effort to expose you to the world.
After series of consultations and reports from clients, we have come to a valid conclusion on why HubSpot is the best Platform for your web development work. Find the few ways in which HubSpot is the best Platform for your web design and development.
1. Provision of Backends
HubSpot has been built to support the businesses to convert visitors into customers. By using HubSpot as your website platform, your form submissions and the behaviour of the visitor can be automatically added to your contact database. It also gives you the privilege of seeing your data sources (i.e. from Google Searches or social media). The provision of backends makes HubSpot the best platform for your web development work since it gives you a strategy of knowing if your blogging is working out or not, also to see if you need to push sales or share more contents.
2. Provision of Landing pages that tell you what content is working
HubSpot comes with landing pages which are specifically designed to convert your visitors into leads. Breaking these web pages into leads will significantly assist you in determining what content is generating customers, leads and contacts or not. A landing page tool is essential to all web developers since it guides them in creating pages that offer contents in exchange for your visitors’ information. The landing pages also make sure you include things such as Page URL, Meta description, page title for good SEO. These pages, once created can be analysed to determine which ones are working or needs adjustments or dropping.
Click here to know Dos and don'ts of designing a landing page.
3. HubSpot gives you just the right amount of customizability
A careful look at HubSpot’s major competitors in the market reveals that they also focus on SMBs. From my experience, HubSpot is the best platform to be used by web developers in the market. The primary aim of creating HubSpot platform is made for the business minded and it also strikes the right balance between streamline development and customizability by offering up a platform for an excellent marketplace for buying template packs.
Click here to know 6 common misconceptions about Hubspot.
4. Great developer tools for when you need to customise your site
By using HubSpot, you gain access to a vast array of developer tools. You can also hire an agency to do that for you as the tools give you the flexibility of customising your designs to make your site flexible.
5. SEO is built into HubSpot
HubSpot comes with built-in checklists for all your website pages which make sure Google and other search engines can crawl into your site and determine the content. This guarantees HubSpot the best platform for web developers since it can promote your contents by incorporating SEO into them.
Click here to know about Technical SEO and why does it matters?
6. Offers Free SSL setup
HubSpot is the best platform when it comes to security issues, and it also assists your site to rank higher since Google makes use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) as ranking factors. Hosting your website on HubSpot activates SSL for free thus making it the best platform.
Click here to know Outsourcing Development Work can Help HubSpot Agencies.
7. Automated 301 Redirects
By hosting your website on HubSpot, you can save yourself from the annoying 404-page errors which pop up from time to time. When you change your page URL in HubSpot, it will automatically put it in a 301 or permanent redirect thus taking care of unnecessary updating of the links when they are changed. This reduces the occurrence of 404-page errors.
8. Content staging for new design rollouts
The content staging area is one of the latest additions to the HubSpot which makes it the best platform for its competition. With the HubSpot content staging area, you get the ability to develop new pages or redesign the existing pages without any need to worry about the content being found or interfering with your live site. It also gives you the ability to schedule rollouts so all the new designs changes can happen at once.
9. Support and training
HubSpot comes with an extensive library of documentation for all their websites platforms with everything ranging from Hubl coding reference pages to API and website editing. They also offer phone and email support thus making it user-friendly even regarding accessing information.
By using HubSpot as your web development platform, website hosting and design becomes much easier. The platform has everything you need as a web developer in all categories. Kindly read our blog post on how you can track your website performance using HubSpot.

Thirumalesh Prasad C G (Thiru) is an entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of Inboundsys. He has over 22 years of experience working for various multinational IT products and services companies in India and abroad. He was a significant member and worked as a user interface architect, designing the user interface for many web applications and products. In addition to running Inboundsys, he is an advisory board member in various other design studios and digital marketing agencies. He is a passionate blogger who loves writing on digital marketing, inbound marketing, lifestyle, philosophy, positive thinking, and motivation.